
Greetings, Fisher Family!

What a year!  I hope that a year from now we can look back at 2020 as an obstacle we were strong enough to overcome and move ahead; after all, we are feisty Fishers!

In September we were denied the opportunity to meet, exchange hugs and news, and pig out on ham, chicken, casseroles, mint tea and ice cream (a particular deprivation to a Fisher).  Ruth’s family has wisely decided to postpone their Christmas Open House until next year.  But if we look hard, we can always find a silver/grayish lining.  This was an election year for the officers of the reunion committee.  That means you got to miss that wonderful biannual experience of ducking down in your seat and trying to avoid eye contact so no one nominates you for the vice presidency (Thanks a lot, Randy…), because you know that in 3 seconds the nomination will be seconded, the nominations closed, and you voted in unanimously.  We have had few responses to our request for news from you.  Perhaps you feel your way of dealing with these times isn’t of interest or worth to others.  The committee disagrees, but respects your right to privacy.  The responses we received all came from the offspring of Russell and Sylvia, and they are organized by the birth order of their children.


Final Thoughts

So that’s the news as of now.  Please keep all your Fisher family in your thoughts and prayers, and reach out to someone as often as you can, however you can.  We are family, and a darn good one!  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  Hang in there and know you are loved!


Doris 2

Really, the only thing I can think of as a help for this time is to try to get outside and see the sunshine for at least a few minutes every day– that’s what I’ve been doing.  I jog every day, and it forces me to go outside, which reminds me that there is a larger world out there, and gives me hope.  Of course, I am very fortunate that my job allows me to work from home easily, so I am grateful for that as well.  Janet’s job has always been remote, so there was absolutely no change for her when COVID hit.

We worry about Jennifer and Tiffany, who are both back at work and dealing with the public, but so far they are okay.  Jamie is also back at Chick-Fil-A, but he works in the back, masked and gloved, so that helps.  He would really like to find something full-time to use his accounting degree, but it’s such a struggle now that it seems impossible until COVID-19 is over (whenever that happens, if ever).

Mom has worked out social distancing with her neighbors for playing games (as I am sure you are aware), and we are glad she has that. Janet’s mother Karen is in Glen Meadows retirement community, and recently moved to assisted living — and they are now locked down very tight, “prison” visits only (telephone  through plexiglass dividers) –and the number of visitation slots is limited, so we have not seen her for weeks.  Janet’s father and stepmother are preparing to leave theirhome in Delaware and return to their home in Florida in the next few
weeks, via Auto-Train.  Dad’s brother in South Carolina, my Uncle Herb, still going at 94, is under restrictions similar to Karen’s in his AL facility.  Aunt Donna you know about.  All these old people to keep track of and worry about in these perilous times!  Argh.

The cats seem to think all is going according to plan, and the dog is as stupid as ever, so he’s happy.

I know Mom really enjoys your phone calls and catching up with you. Thanks so much for doing that.  Susan and I appreciate it very much.

Take care.  Wash your hands.  Wear a mask.  We love you!

Mark Mercer



Hi there!

As I write this I am riding in our 23 foot Pleasure Way class B van (think really small RV with all the comforts of home). Katie is driving, Chase is riding in the back and we are headed to look at wedding venues. Katie and Brian are engaged and planning to marry in early April. We are quite excited! 

We ordered this van when Chase was sick, something to look forward to. In the end, we couldn’t go to Glacier National Park as planned in July due to COVID. But in October we drove to Seattle, then out to Olympic which was amazing. Katie and Brian camped with us and that was great fun. Then I flew home (pesky job) and Katie drove back across the country with Chase.

Due to the unpredictability of the world right now, the wedding will be very intimate, just Brian’s immediate family and us and Mom. His folks are in Gulfport Mississippi. So we are heading now to the Asheville area, which is roughly halfway between them and us so all of us older and compromised folks can drive rather than fly.

So we have a few appointments the next couple of days before dropping Katie at RDA to fly back to Seattle. Then we will wander on home in Fiona(we named the van).

So that’s our news! What’s new for you? How are you managing in the pandemic?

Susan Coale


Ralph 2

                                              November 5, 2020

Dear family and friends:

Wayne and I have been thinking so much about you and miss being able to visit in person.  We are both staying mentally and physically healthy and hope you are too.

Our year started out quite well.  I went to Florida during the first week in March to visit my Aunt LaRue who had moved to an assisted living facility in Florida.  I took disinfectant wipes along to wipe down the airline seat and motel room, but had no problems or issues.  We had a good visit and I took her to some doctor appointments and to get her taxes done.

By the last week in March, Wayne was off work and stayed at home for 3 months before returning to work on an every-other-week schedule for 2 months.  He has now returned to work every day since the beginning of September.  We felt very blessed because he was paid his full pay when he was not working.  

In the meantime, I continued to work two days a week as a bookkeeper at a small dental practice in Walkersville.  I also continued my duties as financial secretary at Graceham Moravian Church.

While Wayne was off work, we reorganized our downstairs office/sewing room.  It had been a year since Wayne’s stroke and this was the first that he had tried to negotiate the steps in our house, but he had no problems. We updated some computers with new hardware and added some new hardware to the sound system.  Wayne has since been spending time writing Bible studies and I have been doing some sewing.  I made masks at first with materials that I already had on hand and then worked on other small projects.

We spent extra time marveling at God’s creations.  We noticed the blooming trees and flowers more than usual in the spring, and we watched the birds make their nests and watched the chipmunk and squirrels fight over the sunflower seeds and nuts that we put out for them.

We also worked outside creating some deer-proof cages to plant peas and squash, repaired a patio screen door, (one day to repair, two days to figure out how to get the screen doors and storm doors back on the tracks!), refinished the park bench on our front porch, installed several ceiling light fixtures, and I refinished our Redwood furniture on the back porch and made a corn hole game set.

In general, we have been respectful of the COVID-19 virus and followed required protocols, but we did not allow fear of the virus to consume or control our lives.  We made our necessary trips to Walmart or Home Depot and just washed our hands when we returned.

We were disappointed to not to be able to gather for Easter, but each of us visited Mom individually over that weekend.  We did gather for a small family meal with Mom for Mother’s Day.  We decided to gather with more of the extended family for outside picnics for Memorial Day at Ernie and Judy’s house, a Father’s Day picnic at David and Rhonda’s house, and a July picnic at our house. 

I did plant a garden at Ernie’s house this year so I have been busy canning.

Feeling that I wanted to do something positive to help meet some of the needs created by the virus, during the summer, I decided to donate blood to the Red Cross.  So far I have donated twice, and plan to donate again soon.

We did not see Addison much this summer but we have had a few good outings.  He is beginning middle school, has grown quite a bit and is maturing into a responsible young gentleman!  Alan’s daughter spent a year in foster care but was returned to her mother late this summer.  Alan lived in Frederick but drove to Chambersburg once or twice a week to visit Awen at the Child Services building and completed the requirements of parental training.  Alan now is getting Awen on the weekends.  Alan and his girlfriend just purchased a small home in Hagerstown and have moved. Alan and Kristen manage a shop in Frederick.

I went to Chambersburg several times with Alan to visit before the pandemic hit, and we have seen Awen a couple of times when Alan has been picking her up on the weekends.  She is a very bright, active, precocious first-grader.

Jon was furloughed from his job as a dealer at Charles Town Casino when the virus forced the closure of the business.  He just returned to work this fall once they opened up and their clientele returned.

We look forward to seeing all of you when the risks have diminished.

Even though our family Thanksgiving and Christmas plans have not been finalized, we WILL celebrate Mom’s 90th birthday this Christmas.  We invite you to send a card or call her, and we will let you know the details of a virtual birthday celebration at a future date.

Love and hugs to all,

Wayne and Joy Perry



Hi to everyone. I am doing well, just bothered by a little shortness of breath at times. Time is spent by reading, (we have a large selection of books at the condo) working crossword puzzles, playing games on the computer, watching reruns of older tv shows, then starting all over again. Family and friends get my groceries for me, medications, and transportation to medical appointments. I miss visiting with people, but have been using the telephone more frequently. My needs are all being met. I wish you all well.


(Aunt) Donna



Lois (Tootie) emailed the wonderful news that her PET scan in October shows her to continue to be cancer-free.  Her doctor calls her his miracle lady.  Tootie is grateful for the support she had during her cancer ordeal.


Irene 2

I retired from home and hospital teaching when it became apparent that for the foreseeable future instruction would be online.  Having failed Zoom, I am in no way able to set up sites and links. One advantage of living alone is that lockdown is almost just another day, so I am managing well.  Fortunately (or perhaps not), I have never been so bored that I feel the urge to clean. I treated myself to a subscription to Britbox so I have something to watch while I do my daily treadmill.  My sons and their wives are staying safe and healthy so far.  We stay in contact via text and phone calls. Jeff Valentine called me out of the blue, saying just because we can’t meet in person doesn’t mean we can’t call each other.  A great idea!  Why not call someone you see only at reunions?

— Melissa Robbins



Mike and Myra have had a healthy year.  Myra had a successful knee replacement surgery just before Covid reared its ugly face.  Mike has been free of blood infections, and they welcomed a second great-granddaughter.  Mike plays golf with Russell and his buddies once a week, and both Mike and Myra spend a lot of time working at the church. They deal with Covid by being careful and practicing social distancing, but do not let it interfere with the quality of their lives if possible.  Good examples. Their son Michael is not faring as well.  He has stage 3 colon/rectal (around the sigmoid, wherever that is) cancer.  He had surgery in October and will take oral chemo.  Michael is very positive, but it is concerning.  GET YOUR COLONOSCOPY!

— Mike Miller via Melissa